Jackie Gerhart, MD and Phil Lindemann: Our goal is to have clinicians be able to use tools that help get individualized medicine to the point of care

In this episode, Jackie and Phil discuss Epic’s Cosmos research database that covers over 130 million patients across 800 health systems in 50 states – the largest single healthcare dataset of its kind. They discuss the role of database in driving the Epic Research initiative, specifically in public health, and explain how they ensure privacy protections and safeguards for the data.

Jackie and Phil also discuss Epic’s recent expansion into newer market segments such as retail healthcare and health insurance, and Epic’s new CRM product, titled Cheers.

Epic is one of the largest healthcare IT companies today and has a significant influence in healthcare operations across the country. Jackie and Phil discuss how the Cosmos dataset could power new innovations and research, and also highlight advocacy efforts with regulatory agencies to reduce coding and documentation burdens on clinicians, at a time when the healthcare industry is facing a shortage of workers.

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